PRP Injection

Due to the increase in pollution and the numerous lifestyle changes in current times, many people suffer from hair loss, thinning hair, and other hair problems. To treat these issues, doctors and medical experts regularly come up with new treatment methods and medications. One such method is the use of PRP injection for hair loss

Otherwise known as Platelet Rich Plasma injections, this therapy is a three-step medical treatment wherein the patient’s blood is used to extract plasma to stimulate healthy hair growth in the bald spots. Let us read more about what a prp injection is and how it can help treat hair loss. 

Table of Contents

Feel free to skip ahead if one topic catches your eye:

  1. What are PRP Injections?
  2. When Should you Consider PRP Injections for hair?
  3. How is the procedure done?
  4. Results and Recovery
  5. Risk and Side-effects
  6. Cost of PRP therapy for hair Loss

Take Away

1. What is PRP Injections for Hair Loss?

Also known as Platelet Rich Plasma injections, a PRP injection for hair loss is used in a three-step medical treatment to stimulate hair growth in a person. A PRP injection contains the platelet-rich plasma, which is extracted from the patient’s blood. This injection is then administered into the areas of the patient’s scalp where they experience hair loss or thinning of hair. 

A prp treatment for hair loss can promote healthy hair growth in such areas by promoting hair growth factors, which can subsequently lead to hair regrowth. Furthermore, it also increases the supply of blood to the follicles in the scalp, subsequently increasing the hair shaft’s thickness. Additionally, a prp injection can effectively treat androgenic alopecia or hair loss due to menopause. 


2. When Should you Consider PRP Injections for hair?

Anyone between 18 and 72 years of age can get a PRP injection to treat their hair loss. [2] Ideally, you can opt for a prp injection whenever you are experiencing extreme hair loss. However, the treatment works best for people experiencing early hair loss. Both men and women can opt for prp treatment for hair loss.  You can also consider PRP injections if you are suffering from one of the following conditions: 

  • Androgenic alopecia, or other forms of alopecia (male/female pattern baldness)
  • Hair loss due to menopause
  • Hair loss due to high levels of stress 

You can also opt for PRP injections if you have recently started experiencing hair loss or thinning hair since these injections help to grow and strengthen hair from the follicles.

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3. How is the procedure done? 

A prp therapy for hair loss is a meticulous three-step procedure. The steps are as follows:

Step 1: 

The procedure begins with the doctor drawing blood from the patient. This blood is usually extracted from the veins in the patient’s arm. Then, the doctor puts the extracted blood into a centrifuge. A centrifuge is a machine that spins this blood to separate the different fluids present in it. 

Step 2:

The extracted blood is spun in the centrifuge for around ten minutes. It is then divided into three separate layers: Red Blood Cells, Platelet-Rich Plasma, and Platelet-Poor Plasma.

Step 3:

In the final stage, the Platelet-Rich Plasma is drawn into a syringe and further injected into the patient’s scalp, in the bald spots, or areas where the hair is thinning. 

A single PRP session uses around 15 to 20 injections of platelet-rich plasmas and takes anywhere between 20 minutes to an hour. It is important to note that the prp injection for hair loss typically requires multiple sessions, which are done 4 to 6 weeks apart from each other. Additionally, the patient must also undergo maintenance prp therapy for hair loss after every 4 to 5 months. 

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PRP Injection for Hair Loss

4. Results and Recovery

Generally, the results of a prp injection for hair loss can take up to two to four weeks to get noticed. To achieve the desired results, the patient must undergo at least three to four sessions of prp injection for hair growth, in addition to regular touch-ups. Immediately after the therapy, you may experience reduced hair loss. Following the reduction in hair loss, you may see a renewed growth of hair. However, certain precautions must be taken after a session of prp for hair loss, which includes:

  • Wash your hair like you usually do, unless you experience any pain or irritation at the injection site. 
  • Do not color or dye your hair for at least three days after the procedure to avoid irritation. [7]
  • Avoid any strenuous activity or exercise and sun exposure for at least two days after getting PRP therapy. 
  • Do not consume any alcohol or indulge in smoking for at least three to four days after a PRP session. [8]

A PRP injection can be beneficial in reducing and reversing hair loss, along with stimulating new hair growth when done consistently. Since every PRP session is administered after a specific period of time, one can observe the results as early as a month or two after the procedure. Furthermore, prp for hair loss has been successful amongst 70 percent of the patients, when used in conjunction with other treatments and medications. 


5. Risk and Side-effects 

As is with any other treatment, there are certain side effects and risks associated with a prp injection for hair loss. However, they are relatively uncommon and last for only a few minutes or hours after the procedure. Some of these side effects include:

  • Mild pain at the site of injection
  • Tenderness of the scalp
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Irritation at the site of injection
  • Mild swelling

At Desmoderm, you will get the best suggestions and treatment with almost little to no side-effects. The doctors here will ensure that there is no discomfort while administering the prp injection for hair and will take care of you if you experience any side-effects. 


6. Cost of PRP therapy for hair Loss

The cost of a prp injection for hair loss depends on a variety of factors. Some of these include:

  • The fees of the doctor and their team
  • The doctor’s experience
  • The total area of hair loss
  • The total number of sessions of prp for hair loss 
  • The addition of any nutritional components in the plasma
  • The equipment used for the treatment 

Typically, the PRP hair treatment cost in Delhi ranges between INR 5,000 to INR 15,000 per session, depending on the factors mentioned above. Therefore, the total cost of the treatment for multiple sessions can vary between INR 20,000 to INR 40,000. 

At Desmoderm, you will get the best PRP treatment, medical suggestions, and post-care from experienced professionals at the best cost. 

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Take away

In conclusion, PRP injection therapy is excellent to promote and renew the growth of hair. Anyone experiencing a mild to moderate rate of hair fall or hair loss can significantly benefit from a PRP treatment. Additionally, it can also help people suffering from different forms of alopecia or thinning of hair, along with improving the thickness and texture of the hair follicles.

With no downtime or associated recovery period, one can also get the treatment and then resume their routine activities without any hassles. 


1^ What Is Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP) for Hair Loss? | Everyday Health | January 29, 2021

2^ PRP Hair Treatment Success Rate ? | Desmoderm | January 29, 2021

3^ Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment for Hair Loss: Here’s What to Know | Allure | January 29, 2021

4^ PRP Injections for Hair Loss: What You Need to Know: Coastal Medical & Cosmetic | January 29, 2021

5^ Dermatology: Medical & Cosmetic Dermatology (| January 29, 2021

6^ PRP for hair loss: Does it work, and is it safe? (| January 29, 2021

7^ PRP for Hair Loss: Efficacy, Safety, and Cost (| January 29, 2021

8^ PRP Injections for Hair Loss: What You Need to Know: Coastal Medical & Cosmetic | January 29, 2021

9^ Dermatology: Medical & Cosmetic Dermatology (| January 29, 2021

10^ PRP-for-Hair-Loss-Pre-Post-Instructions-10.18.pdf (| January 29, 2021

11^ PRP Hair Loss Treatment In Bangalore | The Venkat Center| January 29, 2021

12^ PRP for hair loss: Does it work, and is it safe? ( | January 29, 2021

13^ PRP Treatment For Hair Loss: Cost And Success Rate In India – 2020 ( | January 29, 2021

14^ PRP(Platelet-rich plasma) Treatment for Hair & Face Cost in Mumbai, India ( | January 29, 2021